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Diet for high blood pressure

Intaknig the right food by itself acts as the best medicine. Proper food habits will reduce your high blood pressure. In this diet for high blood pressure category, we are going to primarily introduce you to a supper health drink

Amla,ajwain(carom seed) concoction

Take one whole fresh amla or gooseberry and make a juice of it in the mixer and one teaspoon of crust ajwain then add one teaspoon turmeric. Mix it well and add one cup of warm water, lastly add one spoon of honey. consume this drink early in the morning with an empty stomach and you will experience the difference


Health benifits of Amla

Amla is the most far full ingredient which has been proven very effective in hypertension , it is rich in vitamin C and vitamin C is known to widen the blood vessels it naturally, lift the pressure on the arteries

Health benifits of Ajwain (Carom seed)

Ajwain is also known as carob seeds in Ayurveda, ajwain is used to lower blood pressure, it has an active component called eye bond. It is the calcium channel blocker, blocking calcium to enter the blood vessels. Thus promoting the relaxation in the vessels

Morning Breakfast Diet for high blood pressure

Rice soup



Wash and sock rice for 5 to 10 min, simultaneously roast the mustard ,cumin seeds and fenugreek roast it well and powder it

Boil water in a pressure cooker, once boiled add salt, ginger, cinnamon, cardamom, and clove, mix it then add rice into it and specially made powder into it, stir well and close the lid of the cooker. Cook for five minutes on medium heat, when there is no more steam remove the cover add coconut milk or milk mix it well. Our healthy rice soup is ready to serve.

Health Benifits

Red-colored rice is an antioxidant that helps to fight free radicals, low sugar, and glycemic index as well as a significant amount of iron, zinc, manganese calcium, and fiber, this makes a very healthy choice, a very nutritious choice for people suffering from heart problem diabetes and even obesity would benefit from this. High magnesium, and iron medium chain fatty acid content, its beneficial to your good health. And its aperfect diet for high blood pressure

Broccoli and bell pepper soup


Methord to make soup

Heat the saucepan and saute bell peppers, capsicum, broccoli, carrots, and tomato and saute till they are soft. Take a vessel add olive oil add broccoli and grinded garlic paste, saute it well  then add puree of vegetables and cook for a while .pour in the cup and serve hot

Health Benifits

Bell pepper which is rich in vitamin C, helps to control hypertension and it is an anticoagulant that does not allow blood slot for mention and prevents heartattack and high blood pressure due to this.

Brocolli has 3 major minerals ,that is magnesium ,calcium and potassium ,which aids to regulating blood pressure

Virgin olive oil has phenols that help in reducing diastolic blood pressure

Summary diet tips to control High Blood Pressure

Eat food rich in fiber, potassium, and magnesium ( Banana, Berries, Carrot, Tomato, Broccoli ). So this habit will help to reduce your high blood pressure.

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