FIFA World Cup 2022 | Best World cup Schedule

The FIFA World cup 2022 will be scheduled to start in Qatar on 20th November 2022. This is the first FIFA world cup football ever to be held in a Middle East country. And the second FIFA world cup is held in Asia. Qatar and Ecuador will face off in the world cup 2022 tournament’s opening game at Al Bayt Stadium in Al Khor. And the final will be scheduled on December 18, 2022, which is also READ MORE

Diet for high blood pressure

Intaknig the right food by itself acts as the best medicine. Proper food habits will reduce your high blood pressure. In this diet for high blood pressure category, we are going to primarily introduce you to a supper health drink Amla,ajwain(carom seed) concoction Take one whole fresh amla or gooseberry and make a juice of it in the mixer and one teaspoon of crust ajwain then add one teaspoon turmeric. Mix it well and add one cup READ MORE

Natural ways to reduce Blood Pressure | 3 Best Natural way

Here are few ways to through which can control high blood pressure 1.Yoga 2.Right Food 3.Right Emotion Yoga The best natural way to reduce blood pressure is Yoga, right exercise first comes walking. Walking could be done before eating food, and walking should be a little bit risky walking, never allow your breath to get fast, don’t become breathless, and walk nicely. Walk for 45 minutes if possible in the morning and half an hour in the READ MORE

Tribes | Uncontacted tribe in the world

Mursi Tribe Mursi tribes are living in the  Ethiopian areas close to the south Sudan border. Mursi tribe consists of 11500 members, which refer to themselves as the moon. They speak the mursi language. Similar to the east African agro-pastoralists.  They have distinct spiritual and religious practices they believe in tougui which appears in the sky like a rainbow, birds, or something else a person known as Komuru. Komuru acts as a link between the tribe and READ MORE